Department of Mechanical Engineering
Professor Office: Engineering Hall 3rd, Rm 426.
E-mail: dj.shin [at] yonsei [dot] ac [dot] kr
Current Projects
- Bionic Arm
- Project Alchemist
Research Interest
- Design of Bio-Inspired Robot Arm
- Design Optimization based on Biomechanical Analysis
Current Projects
- Soft Smart Sleeve
- Project Alchemist
Research Interest
- Passive Control of Muscle based on Human Motion
- Design of Novel Pneumatic Circulatory System
Current Projects
- Twisted String Actuation
- Project Alchemist
- Smart Robot Bike
Research Interest
- Human-Inspired Soft Wearable Suit
- Smart Robotic Skin for Human-Robot Interaction
- Novel Actuator Design and Control
Current Projects
- Bionic Arm
- Method One Robot
Research Interest
- Development of Sensing Method for Contact Robot Joints
- Robot Posture Control for Automated Assembly
Current Projects
- Twisted String Actuation
- Project Alchemist
Research Interest
- Soft Wearable Robot Design
- Bio-Inspired Robot Design
Current Projects
- Method One Robot
- Project Alchemist
Research Interest
- Haptic-feedback for Human Robot Interface
- Novel Actuator Design and Control
Current Projects
- Project Alchemist
- Soft Smart Sleeve
Research Interest
- Novel Actuator Design and Control
- Design and Fabrication of 3D Robot structure
Current Projects
- Smart Robot Bike
Research Interest
- Human-Inspired Soft Wearable Suit
- Design for Human-Robot Interaction
Current Projects
- Bionic Arm
- Soft Smart Sleeve
Research Interest
- Design of Bio-Inspired Robot Arm
- Design of Novel Variable Stiffness Actuators
Current Projects
- Project Alchemist
- Soft Smart Sleeve
Research Interest
- Novel Actuator Design and Control
- Human-Inspired Soft Wearable Suit
Current Projects
- Human Robot Interaction
Research Interest
- Development of Retargeting Method for Robot manipulator
- Design for Human-Robot Interaction
Current Projects
- Method One Robot
Research Interest
- Novel Actuator Design and Control
- Design for Human-Robot Interaction
Current Projects
- Bionic Arm
Research Interest
- Design of Bio-Inspired Robot Arm
- Design Optimization based on Biomechanical Analysis
Current Projects
- Soft Smart Sleeve
Research Interest
- Soft Wearable Robot Design
Current Projects
- Project Alchemist
Research Interest
- Development of Interface Optimization Method for Muscle Assistance and Performance Enhancement in Soft Wearable Robots.
Current Projects
- Smart Robot Bike
Research Interest
- Human-Inspired Soft Wearable Suit
- Intelligent Systems, and Biomechanics
Current Projects
- Smart Robot Bike
Research Interest
- Human-Inspired Soft Wearable Suit
- Design Optimization based on Biomechanical Analysis
Neuromeka Inc.
Technical Research Personnel
LG Electronics Inc.
Robot Center
HD Hyundai Robotics Co.
Hanwha Systems Co.
Agency for Defense Devleopment
Ground Technology Research Institute
Directorate Team
Hyundai Rotem Co.
Hyundai Rotem Co.
HD Hyundai Robotics Co.